Friday, May 13, 2016

Loving our one month old!

Evan has been a great little baby.  We all love having him around. In the picture below is all the boys in our bed on a Sunday morning.  The boys will often come in our room in the morning wanting to hold, look at, touch baby Evan.  Benson and Calvin rarely miss a day of running in excitedly to see baby Evan.

Alden, Calvin, and Benson in their room all ready for bed! What fun it is to see these three play and have fun together.

Silly faces.  I love all the faces baby make! I love watching Evan when he is asleep, awake, stretching, it is so fun to see all that they can do with such a small sweet little body.

All ready for church.  The people at Michael's work gave Evan this little dress up outfit, it has been a fun cute outfit to take him to church in. One thing I love about Sunday's is that I get to hold this sweet little guy most of the day.  (I love being able to just hold and snuggle him, I have a really hard time letting others hold him for even a little bit on Sunday because I feel like it is my time to hold and snuggle him...not that I don't get to do it every other day but usually during the week I often have to put him down and it's nice one day of the week to just hold and snuggle my sweet little one.)
Our cactus in our front yard has had it's first flowers this year! The flowers only bloom for 24 hours but they are beautiful when they do and later on this year there will be some beautiful prickly pear fruit under each one of those flowers.
Benson's new pj's! From the time Benson was one until now he has lived in his pj's because it seems to help with the eczema. The pj's he had were really worn out so when my mom came to visit she said how many of them were ready for the trash, which was true. (The lotion and creams had ruined some of fabric on some of them and then he has just overall worn them out well) Anyways she bought Benson a new set of pj's! He loves them and so do we!

All ready for church! 
They all love going to church but Benson does especially it is fun to see how much he has grow and changed.  He absolutely loves nursery. He likes to look for his teachers during sacrament meeting and say hi to them or point them out to me.  Our church doesn't start until 2:30 so all morning long Benson will continue to ask if we can go to church.

Friday, May 6, 2016


If you were to ask Calvin what he likes to do most he would most likely tell you that he likes to play cars and blocks.  There are few days that Calvin does not ask to get out the cars and blocks.  Almost everyday it is the first thing Calvin will ask to do.  He will do all sorts of things with his cars and blocks.  Sometimes he makes roller coasters, towers, or tracks like these ones here.
Lately he has been making these long race tracks, it is fun to see all of the different things he makes and thinks up to do with these two simple toys.  The first time Calvin made one of these tracks Alden was so excited and jumped right in to play with Calvin and of course Alden took pictures.  (I actually have close up pictures of each piece of each of these tracks..which might look the same but have different infrastructures if you look closely.)

Calvin is also often my little peacemaker.  He enjoys playing on his own but if Alden wants to do something with him he will almost always be up to playing whatever Alden wants to play.  Lately he has also become better and better at finding what Benson likes to play and playing that with him.
The other way in which Calvin is my peacemaker is that he doesn't mind what treat he gets or if he gets one or what present..things like that are not important to him.
For example the other day for preschool we painted sun catchers and after the preschool kids had picked the ones they wanted there was a rocket left and flowers.  Calvin had told me lots of times he wanted to paint the rocket and he got to pick before Alden because Alden isn't one of the preschool kids.  He knew Alden wanted to rocket so he picked the flowers just so Alden would be happy.  He does things like that all of the time.  People are much more important than things and he demonstrates that often in his choices.