Austen came for a quick visit at the beginning of December. He had a layover here and just extended it so he could stay with us for a couple of days. It was so nice to have him here and was amazing to me, to see all that he was able to do and help with in his short time here. He helped clean up the yard and made a nice place to sit to put our chimenea.
We learned about letter K in preschool on the perfect day for kite flying. We all enjoyed flying kites outside for a good part of the day!
This was at our ward Christmas party. I always love having everyone matching. So nice of Tara to send us these shirts!
Alden's first orchestra concert. We feel so blessed to have found a perfect little orchestra for him to join, two others from our ward go to it, which makes it nice for carpooling.
This man works so hard for us every day and makes such a positive impact on all of our lives. We are all grateful for his birth and his influence in our lives.
One night I needed to take these three with me to scouts. It was so fun and cute to see how well they sat and listened. In some ways better then even the big boys.
Opening Christmas Tara PJ's! We always have one special night where they get to open their Christmas PJ's. We have a special treat, open presents and then sleep under the Christmas tree.
Letter B in preschool. Painting our banks.
Christmas lights.
A family in our ward had us over to make Gingerbread houses. We all enjoyed it!
Christmas Eve, family program together.
Ham diner
Opening sibling presents
Christmas morning- This Christmas was a simple and a beautiful Christmas. Although everything was quite simple, we heard at least one child say, "This was the best Christmas ever".
It is so sweet to see how such simple things can really make a child so happy. For Roslyn she got a little pack of stickers and some hair bows and was just so happy! :)
Planting trees. My Mom has been working on a goal to loose weight when she reached 200lbs she celebrated by sending all of us $200 to spend on something to make our lives better/ healthier. We spent our money and a little bit more on 14 fruit trees. This is us digging the holes.
Morning exercise. It is so fun to see how much little Roslyn gets into it.