Monday, July 15, 2013

July (1st half)

4th of July- In the morning we went to a ward breakfast at the park.  Later in the afternoon some friends from our ward invited us over for dinner and fireworks!  The boys had a  great time, playing with other little kids, eating yummy food, and doing their first fireworks.

Desert Museum take 2- We thought we had seen most of the museum last time we went but we were excited to find that there was more to see the second time.  We went here one of Michael's last days off.

 This bird stood right next to the glass when we came by.  Calvin pointed at him and the bird tried to get his finger, luckily the bird was behind glass and just hit the glass.  We were surprised because we saw cranes in Mississippi but they were always very afraid of humans and would fly away even if we started heading their direction.

Story time-This was a special story time with Ronald McDonald.  We had seen him at a story time in Mississippi where he had done some fun magic tricks and songs so Alden was really excited to go again.

Stories- I love that my boys love reading stories.  Often in the morning after they wake up they will come downstairs and sit down in front of a pile of books and start reading and sharing the books. Alden had just read this book of the itsy bitsy spider, afterwards Calvin picked up the book and started singing the song.

Children's Museum- The Children's museum has a $2 day once a month, we decided to take advantage of it.  The boys loved it and had a great time!

This was one of the boys favorite activities, you would velcro a frog or bug to this line, pull it up and at the top a ceiling fan hit it flying across the room.

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