Friday, February 18, 2011

I think the fire is almost out

This week has been a crazy week here at our home, for a number of reasons... this is why...
1. Michael has had a lot of tests, quizes, and practicals that he has needed to take and study for. (Because of the snow days last week a bunch were moved to this week.)
2. Well this is the main reason why it has been a crazy week, is that Alden has been sick. He got a fever on Tuesday night, but seemed to be okay Wednesday morning, so I went on with the day as normal.
He did good until about 11 when he started having a fever again, Anyways at 1 he went into a seizure that lasted for 1-2 min. I ended up calling 911 because towards the end of the seizure because his lips went blue and then his whole body. While I was talking on the phone with the parametics, he finally snapped out of it and started crying.
They insisted that he should be taken to the hospital because of his temperature and low vital signs, so we went to the hospital. Which ended up being really nice because the doctor on hand was very knowledgeable in fevral seizures. She said we should be okay as long as the seizure does not last 5 min or longer and gave us something just in case it ever does. (I sure I hope I never have to use those things.)
Alden had 2 more seizures later on that day, but was able to sleep well and his fever had gone down in the morning.
All day Thursday he had a fever most afternoon his fever ranged from 103-105 but at least there was no seizures.
Today he seems to be much better which is why I say the fire is almost out, also Michael finishes up his crazy week this week.
All of this sure has made me grateful for a little one that is healthy and happy most of the time, having sick kids is never fun, and can be scary. We are looking forward to a great week next week.


  1. OH Natasha!!! That is the scariest thing. I feel for you. I would be a mess after 3 in one day. I sure hope you are okay as well as little Alden. I had my Dr refer us to a pediatric Neurologist that I really liked. He knew so much more and had treated our concerns right away. He ran an EEG and a CT scan to help us feel secure and to check everything. His name is Dr. Lynn at Memphis pediatric neurology. if you want the number I can give it to you:)

  2. I hope that everything is going better for Alden. Sounds like a really busy/scary time--and how are you feeling??

  3. I'm glad that he is okay! Is it genetic at all, since Michael had them when we was young?? (This is Amy)

  4. That is so sad! Hopefully Alden gets better soon and next week will be more relaxing for you all. I bet you are looking forward to spring break :)

  5. Poor Alden and poor mama! That is so rough.

  6. I'm so sorry, sounds like a trying week. I had fevral seizures as a child as well. There is nothing worse than having a sick baby and feeling helpless but one thing I know, you are such a great Mom and example. Hope this next week looks up! We love and miss you.

  7. Ta, how scarey! I'm so glad he's doing better! Dayton had childhood seizures that he outgrew and they are no fun. You feel so helpless!

  8. What a scary thing to watch as a mom. Sounds like you handled it well. Glad things are okay.
