Saturday, August 2, 2014

Last day home before school starts

In the afternoon I came into the kitchen to tell Alden he had just a couple hours before bed and the next day he would start school. I asked him what he wanted to do in his last couple of hours.   He was in the kitchen doing the dishes and said he wanted to finish them.
I then had the boys each paint a painting on some canvases.  I've been wanting to do this for sometime but had never made it to the store to buy the canvases.  On this day I finally had made it to the store where I thought the canvases were on sale.  I went to check out and it turned out they had sent out their add a week early and they weren't on sale until next week.  They would be $8 more then I thought so we put them back and started to leave feeling very disappointed when we saw our neighbor come in, who said she happened to have 3 canvases in her closet that she was planning to get rid of!  She brought them over that day and we were still able to make our paintings that we had wanted! It is amazing to see all of the everyday little miracles. I know we are loved.

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