Saturday, July 18, 2015

Washington DC

This is just outside the capital building.  We couldn't have any food items in our bag so we stopped on the steps to eat our snacks.  Benson loved chasing and looking at all of the birds and squirrels. Everyone that walked by loved watching Benson get so excited every time he saw an animal.

On our tour of the capital building- every state has two statues, it was neat seeing which statues each state picked.  A couple of states had just switched a statue, it was interesting to see which statues were being replaced and with what was replacing them. Below is one of the Arizona statues, Arizona made it easy to find their statues because of the state name is written in big on both.

The picture above is the only picture I took from the Smithsonian art museum.  It is the back of the only Leonardo Da Vinci.  On the back of this painting he has the words, "Virtue is Beauty" written in Latin.  I couldn't agree more with this statement.

These are some pictures from the Natural History Museum.  One of my favorite places in the museum was the amazing pictures people had taken of nature and animals.

Outside the White House

The Washington Monument

Lincoln Memorial

Thomas Jefferson Memorial- I loved all of the quotes they had all over the walls.

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