Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Christmas Cookies!

A couple of weeks ago we decided to make sugar cookies. We ended up making quite a few. Alden loved it, he enjoyed helping cut out some cookies. We were making Christmas Cookies but Alden wanted to make a fish cookie, so that is what he got to eat afterwords was his little fish cookie.

Alden loves eating in his high chair, he used to like to sit on our laps, but now he like to sit in his high chair and eat all by himself. His favorite thing right now is Corn Flakes, he would eat them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner if we let him. He likes other things as well, just the corn flakes are always on top of the fridge so he can point to them, which he does often.
This was taken on Micheal's Birthday, even though it was in the middle of finals, we were able to have a nice dinner and watch a show with cake and ice cream.

1 comment:

  1. Dallin loved corn flakes at that age and we kept ours on the fridge, too. He would point to them and say "duck cer-cer" (because of the rooster on the box)
