Friday, June 20, 2014

 Over the summer we decided to take a break from team sports and we were going to do gymnastics. As you might have read we didn't do gymnastics based upon the fact that my boys are constantly doing gymnastics all day at home so we decided to just save the money and pay off more of our student loans.
Anyways Alden has missed the sports, today he tried to rally up soccer teams but was only able to get Hoppy to dress up for the occasion. (Hoppy is the rabbit playing goaly in the soccer jersey.)
 Calvin watched the game he played cars. Calvin loves any car and loves to play cars!
Benson is starting to be more interactive and move a little more. Alden took these pictures after Benson had rolled over...something he does every now and again. He is usually pretty content wherever he is and would rather make noise to get what he wants then to move. We think he will be crawling soon though with the few movements he does make! :)
We love his smiles and love the cute sounds he makes!!

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